Sunday, October 5, 2008

I have a blog?

The title of this is exactly the thought I have while I sit here writing this. I am going to be honest and say that I'm not fully sure why I have one. Could it be because the enthused Josh Morgan rubbed off on me to get one? Or could it be because I have so many thoughts, often very random thoughts running through my head that I think that typing may help sort through some of them? Or maybe, maybe even that all these thoughts could mean something to someone else as well? Or maybe it is just another tool to procrastinate in the work that covers my desk? I really do not know which of these is my reason. I am actually a little nervous. It takes vulnerability to put your thoughts out for others to read. I'm nervous that this may be another thing that I have a hard time sticking with. But, I am going to kick those nerves to the curb and just write the true thoughts I have.

I want to share why I chose "Awake in Him." I typed several different things. From the "Jessica's Blog" to "I am not sure what to type" to "why not?" all of these got the backspace button. Then, the thought came of "Awake in Him." I thought at first, am I thinking this because I just woke up from a nap? Then I dug deeper into my thought. I pulled my dictionary off the shelf and read the definition of awake, "To rouse from a state resembling sleep, as from death, stupidity., or inaction; to put into action; to give new life to; to stir up; as, to awake the dead; to awake the dormant faculties." Wow. I read this and realized how much I long to be stirred up. How much I long to simply put it, not be stupid. How I want to have that life that is so excited to have risen with Christ that I live my life in constant action for Him.

So, now as I come to a closing in my first blog entry ever, I realize that this is actually pretty neat. I'm not sure if anyone will read this. All I know is that I am being real with anyone that is.

I'm going to leave this with the lyrics from David Crowder's song "Come Awake." I pray that I can all awake, rise and shine, I pray that we can all be stirred up!

"Are we left here on our own?
Can you feel when your last breath is gone?
Night is weighing heavy now
Be quiet and wait for a voice that will say

Come awake
From sleep, arise
You were dead
You’ve come alive
Wake up wake up
Open your eyes
Climb from your grave
Into the light
Bring us back to life

You are not the only one
Who feels like the only one
Night soon will be lifted friend
Just be quiet and wait for the voice that will say

Come awake
From sleep, arise
You were dead
You’ve come alive
Wake up wake up
Open your eyes
Climb from your grave
Into the light
Bring us back to life

Rise, rise, rise, rise, rise

Rise, rise, rise, rise….
Shine, shine, Oh shine
We will shine
We will rise
We will shine, shine, shine"


Anonymous said...

Jessica, I didn't know you had a blog. I am so glad I found you though. =)

by the way, it's Morgan. haha.

Josh P said...

Hey, I like the opening!

But make sure there's a follow up ok? At least once a month